Octopus Privacy and Policy

Octopus Group Inc. (“Octopus Group”) respects your privacy. This Privacy Policy sets forth how we handle the information we obtain from you and learn about you when you visit our website. This Privacy Policy contains information about:

  • The information that we collect and how it will be used;
  • Your right to access or update your Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”);
  • Your right to opt-out of receiving communications from us; and
  • Our pledge to have reasonable security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse, or alteration of the information under our control.

We believe that you have the right to know what information is being collected about you and what is done with that information. The terms of this Privacy Policy will govern the use of any information collected while it is in place.


This Privacy Policy only applies to products Octopus Group Inc. Other sources that are linked to or from products Octopus Group INC may have different privacy policies. We are not responsible for the privacy policies, or lack thereof, set forth on websites or applications accessed through links from products Octopus Group Inc. Please review the privacy notices on those sources for details about their privacy policies.

Notice of Change

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy and encourage you to revisit this web page. Should we change this Privacy Policy, we will post such changes on this website. By continuing to use products Octopus Group Inc after any changes are posted, you are indicating your acceptance of those changes. We request that you update your contact information when it changes. This can be accomplished either by sending an e-mail to info@octopus.com with your revised contact information or by notifying your assigned Octopus Group representative. We will not be held liable for failure to notify you of any changes in the Privacy Policy if you fail to update your contact information with us in a timely manner.

Collection of Information

While the word “privacy” may mean different things to different people, we believe that once you understand how your information will be used, the steps we take to protect your PII, and the resulting benefits to you, you will feel confident when sharing information with us. One key is that we do not rent, sell or share your PII to anyone without your consent. Additionally, you will not be contacted by any third-party without your consent. The data processed by Octopus Group Inc is collected from you through various forms that you fill out on the website and application or by email.

  • Personally Identifiable Information (PII)—Octopus Group does not collect PII without your knowledge—PII is collected on the Octopus Group website and application through prompt only. The only personally identifying information that we collect and store about you is the information that you choose to provide to us. Several areas of Octopus Group ask for personal information. Requested information includes your name, address, email address, billing information, business profile, shipment information (shipping and receiving addresses), and information about your business contacts (company name, addresses, and contact name). This information is collected to help us further develop our services, to provide you access to valuable Octopus Group information and services. Any information you give to us will not be used in ways that you have not consented to by accepting the terms of this Privacy Policy.
  • The provision of data in the forms available on the website and application is mandatory in order to process your requests. If you do not provide the required information, we will not be able to fulfill your request for the offered services available on the website and application.
  • Requests for Information Forms—Our requests for information forms require that you provide us with PII. This information is used to contact you and to process your requests for information. We will also use this information to contact you about the services we offer, as well as to send you site and service announcement updates.
  • Electronic Mail—We will also gather PII when you send us an e-mail. We will use your PII to respond to your e-mail, and we may use your PII to send you notifications about our services.
  • When you register for a Octopus Group Account—When you register for a Octopus Group account, we collect Personally Identifiable Information that is necessary to provide Products and Services. You must provide your name and e-mail address. You also must choose a password, which will be required to gain access to portions of our site and application reserved for registered customer use.
  • What we do NOT do: We do not and will not, at any time, request your credit card information, Member ID, or website and application username or password in a non-secure or unsolicited e-mail or telephone communication.
  • Identity theft and the practice known as “phishing” are of great concern to us. Safeguarding information to help protect you from identity theft is our priority.
Choices Regarding the Use of Your Information

You may choose not to provide Octopus Group with any contact information/PII. However, if that occurs, we will be unable to process your request for information and you will not be able to access many parts of the Octopus Group website. If you would like to unsubscribe to any of our services or would like us to remove you from any of our online mailing lists, send an e-mail to info@octopus.com. Please include your name and the e-mail address you wish to unsubscribe in the body of the message. In some cases, Octopus Group may also provide you with an opt-out of some services in e-mail messages that you receive from Octopus Group.

Information Sharing: Chat and Social Networks

Some Octopus Group products allow you to participate in chat discussions and other forms of social networking. Please be aware that these chat and social networks are accessible to other users. We urge you to not submit any personally identifiable information to these conversations because any information posted on a conversation can be read, collected, shared, or otherwise used by anyone who accesses the chat. Octopus Group is not responsible for the information you choose to submit in these forums.


Your continued use of products Octopus Group Inc signifies your assent to the Octopus Group Privacy Policy as presented. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify, add, or remove portions of this policy at any time by posting the revised policy online. Please check this page periodically for changes.

Resale or Disclosure of Information to Third-Parties

We do not rent, sell, or share your PII to anyone without your consent. When we do share information with our associate members, including advertisers, vendors, and publishers, it is in the aggregate form (non-personally identifiable information that is provided to third-parties in a group) and does not identify you personally. We do not collect or use any information about you except for information that you have provided to us or is publicly available.

Occasionally, we may send the information that we gather to third-parties to organize, process, and/or analyze. We use this information solely for the purpose of enhancing the offerings of our website, primarily to tailor updates and advertisements to your particular interests. All such third-parties are contractually bound to observe the Octopus Group Privacy Policy. Additionally, we reserve the right to disclose PII: (i) as may be permitted or required by law or based on our good-faith belief that it is necessary to conform or to comply with the law, or by order of a court or an authorized administrative agency, or (ii) as may be necessary to protect our rights or property.


The information you enter is stored on our servers in a password-protected, personal account. All information is stored behind a secure computer firewall, a barrier that prevents outsiders from accessing our servers. To verify that you have a secure connection, look for the locked padlock symbol at the bottom of your browser window or the HTMLS-code in the site connection-identifier. When you access your account information, the information is kept on a secure server.

In the event that the data you provide to Octopus Group Inc belongs to a third party, you warrant that you have communicated the PRIVACY POLICY to such third party and obtained their permission to provide the data to Octopus Group Inc for use.

Access to the User's personal information is carried out through an authorization system with a login and password. The user undertakes to independently ensure the safety of authorization data, not to disclose them to third parties under any pretext. Any changes to personal information made through authorization data will be considered made personally by the User.

While we implement the above security measures, you should be aware that 100% security is not possible. If you have any questions about the security of Octopus Group’s website, please send an e-mail to info@octopus.com. Although our data is stored in the United States, it is possible that some of the data processing may occur outside of the United States. While the data protection laws of these countries may vary, we protect this information based upon the express terms of this Privacy Policy.